
Team effectiveness questionnaire

This questionnaire will help you to consider the extent to which the team in question is ready for team coaching, how effective your team is and therefore the extent to which there is value in team coaching and finally the business case for team coaching. I hope you find this reflection helpful.

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Team readiness for coaching

The first set of questions are here to help you consider the extent to which the team in question are ready to embrace team coaching.


Does the team see itself as a team or a group?


If a team, does the team see value in developing team effectiveness?


If not a team, does the team see value in developing as a team?


Is the team likely to be relatively stable in composition for the duration of the coaching?


How invested is team coaching is the leader of this team likely to be?


Would this team value team coaching?

Team coaching includes, team building, team development, team process coaching and team coaching sessions focussed on the team's learning objectives for being a high performing team. It can also include live action team coaching, coaching the team during business as usual.

It is not team facilitation. This is when a facilitator manages the process of a meeting freeing up the time for the team to focus on the subject of the meeting.


Does the team recognise the need for change in the way the team works?

This doesn't have to mean the team is in a remedial/poor performance context. some of the best value comes when working with a team that is performing and wants to sustain this or further improve performance.


Is there a genuine desire for change in the way the team works?

In other words - Are team members prepared to invest their time and commitment to make changes on a team and individual level?


Opportunities to develop team effectiveness

The following set of questions are here to help you consider the extent to which there is opportunity to enable a more effective team through professional team coaching.


Does the team have a clear and compelling purpose?

This is a team purpose, which is not the exact same as the organisational purpose, even if it is the Executive team.


Does the team have goals that require the collective effort of the team?

These are goals where every member of the team needs to contribute to fully achieve the results required.


Are all team members clear on who is in the team and what roles they play?

For teams to be effective every member of the team needs to be clear on the specific role (not job title or function role) the others play within this team.


Are the right people on this team?

For a team to be effective it needs the capacity and capability to achieve the purpose. This includes the diversity of skills to achieve the goal including task and team working skills.


Is the basic structure clear and well designed for getting the work of the team done?

This is all about how the team works together on a practical level, such as, how and when they meet and how decisions are made.


Are the team motivated to deliver the work required?

High performing teams are just as motivated to do the work involved in achieving team objectives as they are to do the work involved in achieving their own individual objectives.


To what extent are team members well recognised and rewarded for excellent 'team' performance rather than individual achievement?

High performing teams are recognised and rewarded for team performance over individual performance.


To what extent does the team have the resources to achieve its purpose?

The capacity and capability in terms of people. The financial budget, the infrastructure, the technology and so on.


Are team success criteria clear?

High performing teams have a clear set of KPI's to measure the team's performance alongside other measures of success such as how satisfied the team feel.


Are team success criteria regularly reviewed and remedial action taken or progress and achievements celebrated?

We know that what gets measured gets done and what gets celebrated gets done well, efficiently and people learn from the experience.


Are effective social processes in place to enhance the member's capability to work effectively together?

Effective processes are such as decision-making, problem-solving, information sharing, involvement, engagement, sharing responsibility, feedback etc...


To what extent is the team meeting the requirements of it's stakeholders?

Does the team understand and consider the requirements of its various and many stakeholders? High performing teams are high performing in the minds and experiences of all stakeholders.


To what extent does the team experience positively contribute to the wellbeing of the individual members of the team?

We know that positive wellbeing is positively correlated with high performance. 


The business case for Coaching

The following questions are here to help you consider the extent to which the business case for team coaching exists. The questions are adapted from "Coaching the team at work" - David Clutterbuck (2007).


What critical value does the team in question offer the organisation?


What are the consequences for the organisation should the team not deliver it's value


How would you know if this team didn't deliver?


How much effort is the team prepared to put into improving it's effectiveness to ensure it delivers?


What are the chances of the team improving its effectiveness without professional team coaching?


What has the return for team coaching got to be to give a return on investment costs of team time and a professional coach?


How would you measure the ROI?

This is the Return On Investment for the coaching. 


What are the risks, if any, of undertaking team coaching?